Just Building Bridges
Just Building Bridges is an exhibition of photographs by sanctuary seekers based in Newcastle. The photographic project explores themes of justice.
A group of around a dozen sanctuary seekers took part in a series of workshops at the Hatton Gallery Learning Space, Newcastle, in 2023. The aim was to empower members of a
marginalized and under-represented group to produce a body of photographs, short films and zines which creatively expressed some of their experiences and their current outlook on life as they resettled into local communities. The project was called Just Building Bridges.
The group itself was very diverse. Participants came from several different countries and continents, and had a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and cultures. Some have lived in the area for many years, others were new arrivals. All of them were trying to ‘build bridges’ – to resettle peacefully and successfully in local communities.
The sanctuary seekers chose the topics and themes, based on their personal experiences and ideas around building bridges to justice. This included social justice, environmental justice,
justice in personal and social relationships within communities, or any other kind of justice (or lack of it!) that they wanted to document.
The photographs, films and zines made by the group cover a wide range of themes. There are local issues of waste, litter, and noise; bigger economic issues such as the fast fashion industry;
and some very topical issues of global significance are addressed, such as the conflicts in the Ukraine and the Middle East.
The series of workshops was facilitated by Theresa Easton, lecturer in Fine Art at Newcastle University; Carl Joyce, photographer and filmmaker; and Michael Quille, writer and editor from
the Culture Matters co-operative, which managed the project. Thanks are due to Newcastle University and the Hatton Gallery Learning Space for the use of premises and equipment, and
the Passionist Community for financial support.
- 10 Feb 2025
- Free with Membership/Day Pass